Everything starts with a spark of inspiration. We get you in personal contact with social entrepreneurs and our community of local implementers, funders and other stakeholders.
- Changemaker Journey: We take you on real-world journey to our social entrepreneurs and their solutions
- Expert session: A social entrepreneur from your thematic area shares trends, challenges, and solutions
- Events: Join our events to meet inspiring social entrepreneurs and our community
We continuously screen & assess solutions to extend our portfolio for our community and our clients. We want to make sure that all of our solutions are transfer-ready & relevant.
- Challenge screening: We identify challenges in the country of destination and for our clients’ organizations and beneficiaries
- Solution screening: We conduct a worldwide screening for transfer-ready solutions that respond to identified challenges
- Transfer-Readiness assessment: We make sure that both social entrepreneurs and local implementers are transfer-ready
A good match is key to success in transfer. We continuously connect & match social entrepreneurs with local implementers, funders and other stakeholders.
- Local implementer scouting: We scout for local implementers who provide the commitment, know-how and skills necessary to implement a solution
- Stakeholder mapping & workshop: We map & match stakeholders from the beginning and assure their commitment and support
Transfer projects are an entrepreneurial undertaking. Solutions have to be re-launched and sometimes re-imagined when transferred to a new country. We support local implementers during the initial phase of this journey until they are ready to progress on their own.
- Transfer strategy development: We develop tailor-made strategies for transferring solutions
- Lean project setup & support: We introduce local implementers to lean start-up methods and support them to launch, steer and monitor the transfer project
- Co-Fundraising: We support local implementers to identify and utilize funding opportunities
We strive to learn with every new transfer project. We provide the tools, methods and formats that enable all stakeholders to take the most out of their transfer experience
- Impact assessment: We design and implement impact assessments
- Cross-cutting learning sessions: We connect local implementers from different transfer projects enabling them to exchange on their experiences